Hey friends,
What to say, I've been very busy! The Christmas season was fantastic- first Christmas with my husband! So much has been happening so i wont try to cover it all, just know that God is good and we are happy and i have been very craft this past month!
We are now on kittens number 4 and 5: Cee Cee and Smokey.
I also turned 21! whoot whoot! Not that this birthday is much different than the others. Normally, in our crazy wonderful American society, new-of-age kids go out and get smashed- sound like fun? nope. :) I have a few reasons not to drink- so excuse me while i get all serious on you and know that i'm not being judgmental.
First of all, I am on contract. At my school we sign a piece of paper saying we wont drink or do drugs etc. so that we can attend. I gave my word, therefore i wont.
Secondly, my dad use to be an alcoholic. {Praise the Lord he has been clean and sober for over 7 years and is the most Godly man i know.} With that in my genes i dont want to risk it.
Thirdly, I don't think it is necessary to drink. I like to have control over my body and mind-alcohol doesn't help with that. :) I have also seen how ugly and stupid people can get and i dont want to look like that. I think i'd rather have a Dr. Pepper, thanks.
Fourthly, I want to represent my God honorably and not cause others to stumble.

Let me make myself clear-DRINKING ALCOHOL IS NOT WRONG, it is NOT a sin. But it is a sin to get drunk. So go ahead and toast at a wedding, have a cocktail with your friends, have a beer with the super bowl- but do it in moderation and with consideration of who you are influencing- and order me a Dr. Pepper.
So how did i celebrate? I spent the day with my mom and sisters. We went
shopping, at yummy food and i got my ears pierced for a second time.
{i'd been talking about it forever and finally did it!} Jeff got home
and we all at pasta and my vanilla peppermint cake.

Classes start up again in about a week. I'm probably the only student waiting with baited breath for the syllabi to go up online. See, i want to start on some of my assignments early- I'm crazy, yes i know. I have already started reading one of the novels for a literature class. I have 4 lit classes next semester! phew! Read read read read read read! I just need a comfy Papazan chair to curl up in ;)
And now for an up date in pictures- enjoy :)
Taking pictures of my sister for her Christmas letter |
Nutcracker in Portland |
Finally got a sewing machine! |
happy day! |
Newport aquarium with friends. Casey had never been before! |
New years service with the Forrest family. Jeff and I, Riley and Nikki and Aunty Cindy led worship in Corvallis. |
This was from July- i just love this pic and i miss my family bunches! |